Bon Air, AL Rankings

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Bon Air, AL is a small city located in the state of Alabama. According to BestPlaces, Bon Air has an overall ranking of 694 out of all cities in the United States. The ranking takes into account crime rate, cost of living score, amenities, education, and weather. In terms of crime rate, Bon Air scores a 7/10 with a very low violent crime rate compared to other cities in the US. The cost of living score is also quite high at 8/10 due to the lower housing prices when compared to other cities in the US. In terms of education ranking Bon Air comes in at 5/10 with more than 90% of its residents having graduated from high school and nearly 30% having some college or higher education. Lastly, it has excellent weather and scores a 9/10 on the BestPlace rankings with mild winters and hot summers that draw tourists from around the world. All in all Bon Air is an excellent place to live due to its low crime rate and cost of living as well as its great weather and educational opportunities.

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